Business solutions

Highlight self-determination options and empowerment with Profesional and Intercultural Coaching


What is a Profesional and Intercultural Coaching about?

What do you get from a Professional and Intercultural Coaching when you are coming from abroad?

It gives you the opportunity to use cultural differences as levers for personal development, to act concretely for your values and ambitions, on your Social Responsibility. By putting forward your personal, family, professional and social life project, your investment is secured, and you become an actor in a more united and human world.

You promote the development of people and their families in France, with positive consequences for the professional world and society as a whole. A better openness to oneself and to others allows for cultural and human elevation, and social integration as a citizen of the world. Access to the language is personal and consolidated by the sense and pleasure of learning.

For each project an intercultural solution

Whatever your organization or project, a customized coaching solution exists.

Group sessions can be delivered upon request.

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French as a Foreign Language trainers

Support educational progress through self-knowledge and soft skills development for individuals or groups

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International Mobility Providers

Provide a complementary long-term support package dedicated to Permanent International Mobilities

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Local authorities, associations, social assistance

Combine your integration assistance with an innovative profesional and dedicated support, promoting self-determination and change management.

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Organizations and Social Partners

Place talents recruited abroad at the heart of their professional and personal project. Be next to them for the long term. Reduce the risk of psychosocial risks specific to the permanent expatriates in France, limit the risk of failures and return to the country and the loss of key talent for your business.

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What I believe in

I want to make professional coaching known to as many people as possible. Successfully experienced in the development of business and sports performance, the global approach allows welcome change and obtain concrete results in all areas of life. Exploring cultural preferences and developing cultural agility opens new options yet respecting diversity. Ethical methods apply to everyone, regardless of background, culture, or language level.

Feedbacks - Their take-aways

Ghislaine Ströher
Ghislaine Ströher
Educational coordinator in French as a Foreign Langue at Langues Plurielles
Florence knew how to use flexibility and creativity to carry out a relevant actions adapted to the needs of the learners. The training allowed the learners to feel listened to, accompanied as closely as possible to their progress towards their objective (as a group but also as an individual).

The facilitation of communication was one of the strong points of this coaching towards success in the oral interview in an exam context. Florence was able to adapt her pace, vary the activities and materials in a relevant way, so that everyone could feel comfortable enough to express themselves in a group. Florence is a trainer who knows how to put people at ease while keeping her professionalism. The facilitation was thought out in a very customized way on the objective and was thus of great quality, perfectly complementing the work of the language trainers. The facilitation of oral communication is one of the strong points of this coaching, which has proven to be extremely valuable when faced with the goal of succeeding in an oral interview in examination context. The learners felt heard, listened to, and that they were attached to and recognized by her.

After Florence's coaching, the learners had a week of internship in a company, where they had to deal with stress, apprehension, and emotions again, but this time in a way that was expressed among themselves and with the trainers. A huge thank you for them but also for the team of trainers who were able to understand a different way of helping with a goal. Looking forward to new challenges and goals!

(Translated from French)
Sandrine Kasyc
Sandrine Kasyc
French as a Foreign Language Trainer at Langues Plurielles
The strengths of Florence's intervention were:

The establishment of a trusting environment, encouragement to express (orally, graphically) one's emotional state, needs and expectations, encouragement to self-assessment (diagnostic, formative) and offer adapted tools, creation of relevant supports, great availability, great capacity to listen to the audience.

Great benevolence, great listening, reassuring posture, softness.

The relevance of the analysis of the situation and the proposed project.

(Translated from French)